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There is always a way to be better.

To break free of old patterns, get unstuck, streamline processes, and move toward something better for everyone, we need to go all in.

I work with those who are ready to think and act differently. We’re game-changers who are unashamed to be bold. We approach everything by asking how we can make it better, then we own the risk and embrace the challenge ahead of us.

I’m going to help you get clear on your vision and what going big means to you. We’re going to interrupt the processes hindering your growth and identify and eliminate what’s broken in your company so you can take your business to the next level while radically changing the landscape around you for the better.

You know greatness is within reach and you’re sure it’s just a typo that’s holding you back.

In other words: we're going to Disrupt for Good.

Real People.Real Results.

Eric Lahti
Carl Bogar
Greg Goodrich 2
MasterScapes Logo
Stephanie Bourland

Eric Lahti

Renco Roofing

EOS has been a great benefit to our business. It has helped us to ensure we have the right people in the right seat and has also kept all of our employees headed in the same direction with common goals. There have been other benefits, but with these two things it has really opened up the opportunities for us and it keeps us moving forward with intention and momentum.

Carl Bogar

Trees For Needs
Clarity and accountability are crucial in a business. Working with Jeremy has helped us break through so many barriers and raised us to new levels in a very short period of time. We are on track for record growth this year and would not even consider running my business without Guaranteed Traction.

Greg Goodrich

AZ Fleet Service
Our company is in a very small niche of our industry. We convinced ourselves that our problems were so unique we wouldn’t find help outside of our team, and nothing we were doing seem to work. Thankfully, our assumption was shown wrong. I can testify to the power behind the EOS system and Jeremy’s ability to collaborate and communicate the system effectively to bring business-transforming results. Our team is stronger than ever because we have a vision with traction. Thanks, Jeremy!

AZ Landscape

Contractors Association
Jeremy MacLiver provided the “Getting Your Vision to Take Traction” workshop for members of the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association. It was an action-packed workshop full of relevant and valuable information. The feedback was very positive and those in attendance were able to implement strategies that make a difference in their company immediately. I recommend Jeremy to other associations to share his knowledge and expertise.


Jeremy Macliver was very instrumental in laying out a plan to move the production of our company forward. He came in and analyzed our production, starting with the sales, product procurement, and superintendents all the way down to the crew level; after getting a feel for our way of doing business, he revamped and upgraded our existing systems. Using his new systems we have been able to grow at about 20% per year utilizing the existing employees. I would highly recommend Jeremy and his company.

Stephanie Bourland

Corporate Interior Systems
The EOS system has been a worthy challenge. It has pushed our very busy team to a new level of effectiveness, and we could not have accomplished what we have so far without Jeremy. He has been there every step of the way to ensure we are moving in the right direction, even when we wanted to go the other way. He’s given us the tough love we’ve needed to push through some of the harder aspects of this process, and we are very grateful for that. Changing core processes that have been in place for 30-plus years is never easy, but with Jeremy’s help, it is really exciting to see what we’ve done up to this point and what we have to look forward to in the future!
Help First

Lead by example. If you aren’t willing to jump in and help, you won’t build a great team. If we don’t deliver value first, how could we ever expect to receive something in return?

Subordinate Leader

You have to have a cause bigger than you, and you have to be willing to be all in to see it fulfilled. We won’t always have all the answers. To build lasting change, we need to build a team of smart people around us. A team that believes in the mission more than a specific solution. Where ideas can be debated without ego and drama. And Visions can be transferred into action.

Disrupt for Good

Forever better. We aren’t looking for quick fixes or bandaid approaches. We are relentless in our pursuit of mastery. Fearless of change, we confront everything with a mindset of how can we make it better?

Grow or Die

These are the only two options. Everyone we engage with has a thirst for more and they are personally committed to never getting complacent.

Choice not Chance

Every great story worth retelling exists because someone faced adversity and overcame it. The hero of the story made a choice to face the fear, be bigger than the situation, or push through against all odds instead of letting chance take them out. We don’t always get to choose the cards we get dealt, but we can choose how we play them. And let’s face it, we all draw a bad card from time to time. So don’t think we are going to join up to sit around and complain. That won’t work. We are going to talk about the cards you’ve been dealt and we are going to work through to a winning hand.

Seriously Funny

All kidding aside, we have work to do. We don’t engage with people that aren’t serious about where they are going, what they are doing, and willing to put the hard work in. But let’s face it, a lot of funny things happen along the way, and we love to laugh. It puts our mind at ease, gives us the creativity to overcome, and plain in simple, makes the day go by faster!

Jeremy MacLiver

I play to win. And that is what I want for you.

I’m particularly known for three things. Being a Gamechanger, a 10X Thinker, and Driven to Mastery. It has taken a lifetime to build this reputation. At 8, I was timing my mom on vacuuming and streamlining household chores. I’ve never stopped and never will. There is always a way to be better. And that is why I do what I do.

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